ATOMIX Gallery
From Atomix
A gallery of images. Get in touch for changes to credits/removal etc (or update yourself). We have rough categories but can improve and also will improve captions.
Traditional Shear Profilers
(MSS_ADCP_CTD_in_OceanCity_CC-BY Janin_Schaffer)
VMP 500 being deployed in Cook Strait in rough weather
Rockland VMP 2000(?) - Rudi Jozef Maria Caeyers.
Upwards profiling VMP250 (CLS).
Shear Profilers on Vehicles
(Autosub with microrider (Rockland Scientific))
(Microrider on Slocum glider (Algot Kristoffer Peterson))
Rockland MicroRider on profiling float. c/- RSI.
(Turbulence instrumentation cluster (Peter Leopold, 2012))
(Deployment of MAVS4 during N-ICE test cruise. N-ICE test cruise. 82ºN; Arctic; Arctic Ocean; Sea ice; c/- Algot Kristoffer Peterson.
Nortek Vector mounted on line (Stevens).
Acoustic Profilers
(Nortek signature ADCP in bottom-mounted frame.)