Main Page
Welcome to the ATOMIX wiki!
This wiki was initially developed by the SCOR working group 160 - Analysing ocean turbulence observations to quantify mixing (ATOMIX). It is meant to consolidate knowledge about oceanic turbulence data acquisition and processing, and to provide guidelines for processing and publication of data sets aimed at both experienced and new users.
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Wiki structure
This wiki is organized to provide a best practice for turbulence data processing from the three main instruments used for this purpose. Below, you can select your preferred device and navigate to the corresponding subpage.
These three individual processing guidelines share the same Nomenclature and NetCDF parameter attributes.
Turbulence Sensing Gallery
We also have the ATOMIX Gallery with images illustrating various sampling configurations and instruments.
Members of the SCOR Working Group ATOMIX
Cynthia Bluteau (Canada), Ilker Fer (Norway), Yueng-Djern Lenn (UK)
Other Full Members:
Toshiyuki Hibiya (Japan, 2020-2024), Arnaud LeBoyer (USA), Zhiyu Liu (China), Rolf Lueck (Canada), Amelie Meyer (Australia), Craig Stevens (New Zealand), Danielle Wain (USA), Ryuichiro Inoue (Japan, 2024-)
Associate Members:
Marcus Dengler (Germany), Jenson George (India), Peter Holtermann (Germany), Natasha Lucas (UK), Justine McMillan (Canada), Stephen Monismith (USA), Julia Mullarney (New Zealand), Ryuichiro Inoue (Japan, 2020-2024), Sarah Nicholson (South Africa), Kirstin Schulz (USA)
For new ATOMIX wiki users
This wiki is meant to be dynamic and grow with the advances achieved in the scientific turbulence community. To be successful, your active contribution to this effort is needed!
- The scope and approach of the ATOMIX wiki.
- Please visit the contribute page to learn how to comment and edit these pages.
- Consult the User's Guide for information on using the wiki software.