Velocity profilers
Welcome to the ADCP structure function group
The Acoustic-Doppler Current Profilers (ADCP) structure function group addresses best practices in obtaining turbulent kinetic energy dissipation rate estimates from ADCPs using a platform independent approach. Our recommendations are applicable for measurements from bed-mounted ADCPs or ADCPs attached to mooring lines.
The ADCP structure function group will provide the following:
Structure function-derived estimates of turbulence parameters from lowered ADCPs mounted on CTD rosettes and other profiling or drifting platforms are beyond the scope of this working group.
Our recommendations are intended to be applicable to measurements irrespective of the manufacturer provided the data is of sufficient quality for resolving the turbulence inertial subrange of the velocity spectra.
The benchmark datasets are intended to be a resource that can be used by the community to evaluate routines in any programming language.