NetCDF parameter

From Atomix
Revision as of 15:16, 8 December 2021 by Ilker (talk | contribs)

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ATOMIX subgroup Parameter (short) Name Standard name Units of measurement Long name Dir positive
All TIME time days, or Days since YYYY-MM-DDT00:00:00Z Decimal day
All PRES sea_water_pressure dbar Sea water pressure, equals 0 at sea-level down
All DEPTH depth m down
All LATITUDE latitude degrees_north
All LONGITUDE longitude degrees_east
All TEMP sea_water_temperature degrees_Celsius sea water temperature in-situ ITS-90 scale
All CNDC sea_water_electrical_conductivity S m-1
All PSAL sea_water_practical_salinity 1
All DENS sea_water_density kg m-3
All BVFSQ square_of_brunt_vaisala_frequency_in_sea_water (rad s-1)2
All CSPD water_speed m s-1
All PITCH platform_pitch_angle degree
All HEADING platform_yaw_angle degree clockwise
All HEADING_MAG platform_yaw_angle degree clockwise
All ROLL platform_roll_angle degree
All EPSI specific_turbulent_kinetic_energy_dissipation_in_sea_water W kg-1 dissipation rate of turbulent kinetic energy per unit mass in sea water estimated from individual shear probes / beams
All EPSA specific_turbulent_kinetic_energy_dissipation_in_sea_water W kg-1 dissipation rate of turbulent kinetic energy per unit mass in sea water averaged using all shear probes / beams
All K_TEMP ocean_vertical_heat_diffusivity m2 s-1
All K_DIAPYC ocean_diapycnal_diffusivity m2 s-1
All KAPPA_TEMP seawater_molecular_diffusivity_temperature m2 s-1
All KVISC kinematic_viscosity_of_water m2 s-1 Kinematic viscosity of (sea) water
All dTEMP_dZ derivative_of_seawater_temperature_wrt_z degrees_Celsius m-1
All PROFILE unique_identifier_for_each_profile_feature_instance_in_this_file 1
All SECTION_NUMBER unique_identifier_for_each_section_of_data_from_timeseries 1 A unique indentifier counter defining sections of the time series from the fast (or slow) channels extracted for dissipation estimates
All PSPD_REL platform_speed_wrt_sea_water m s-1 Platform speed with respect to sea water
Shear Probes SHEAR sea_water_velocity_shear s-1 rate of change of cross axis sea water velocity along transect measured by shear probes
Shear Probes VIB platform_vibration 1 platform vibration detected by piezo-accelerometers
Shear Probes ACC platform_acceleration m s-2 platform acceleration detected by accelerometers
Shear Probes SH_SPEC shear_probe_spectrum s-2 cpm-1 cyclic wavenumber spectrum of sea water velocity shear
Shear Probes SH_SPEC_CLEAN shear_probe_spectrum_clean s-2 cpm-1 cleaned cyclic wavenumber spectrum of sea water velocity shear
Shear Probes A_SPEC acceleration_sensor_spectrum m2 s-4 cpm-1 acceleration spectrum from accelerometers
Shear Probes AP_SPEC vibration_sensor_spectrum 1 vibration spectrum from vibration sensors
Shear Probes SH_A_SPEC shear_and_acceleration_cross-spectral_matrix Complex cross-spectral matrix of shear and acceleration
Shear Probes SH_AP_SPEC shear_and_vibration_cross-spectral_matrix Complex cross-spectral matrix of shear and vibration
ADV/Shear probes KMAX maximum_wavenumber cpm maximum wavenumber for integration of shear spectrum
Shear probes FOM figure_of_merit - Figure of merit of shear spectrum relative to the model spectrum. It is MAD multiplied by the sqrt( degrees of freedom) of the spectra
Shear probes MAD mean_absolute_deviation - mean absolute deviation of shear spectrum relative to the model spectrum
ADV/Shear probes DOF degrees_of_freedom_of_spectrum
ADV/Shear probes FREQ frequency Hz
ADV/Shear probes FREQ_W angular_frequency rad s-1
ADV/Shear probes KCYC cyclic_wavenumber cpm wavenumber along the direction of instrument motion in cycles per meter
ADV MAD_SQRT_DOF mean_absolute_deviation_multiplied_sqrt_of_degrees_of_freedom
ADV KMIN minimum_wavenumber_used_for_estimating_turbulent_kinetic_energy_dissipation cpm
ADV DIR_CSPD direction_of_water_speed degree counterclockwise
ADV UCUR_STD std_of_eastward_velocity m s-1
ADV VCUR_STD std_of_northward_velocity m s-1
ADV WCUR_STD std_of_upward_velocity m s-1
ADV UVEL_SPEC u_power_spectrum_density_in_the_meanflow_direction (m s-1)2 s
ADV VVEL_SPEC v_power_spectrum_density_transverse_in_the_crossflow_direction (m s-1)2 s
ADV WVEL_SPEC w_power_spectrum_density_upwards_ie_perpendicular_to_meanflow (m s-1)2 s
ADV TAYL ratio_of_rms_turb_U_to_water_speed -
ADV SNR signal_noise_ratio_from_each_acoustic_beam decibel
ADV ABSIC backscater_intensity_from_each_acoustic_beam count AlongBeam_distance
ADV NCORR noise_correlation_percent_from_each_acoustic_beam percent
ADV SPEC_SLOPE estimated_spectral_slope_of_fitted_wavenumbers - Nonlinear least square fit to find most likely spectral slope
ADV/ADCP dUCUR_dZ derivative_of_eastward_velocity_wrt_z s-1
ADV/ADCP dVCUR_dZ derivative_of_northtward_velocity_wrt_z s-1
ADV/ADCP dWCUR_dZ derivative_of_upward_velocity_wrt_z s-1
ADV/ADCP HEIGHT_AB height_above_bottom m up
ADV/ADCP BURST unique_identifier_for_each_burst_in_this_file
ADV/ADCP PERG percentage_of_samples_good percent
ADV/ADCP BEAM_NUMBER beam_number_of_the_instrument
ADCP ABSI backscatter_intensity_from_each_acoustic_beam decibel AlongBeam_distance
ADCP ABSI5 backscatter_intensity_from_acoustic_beam_5 decibel AlongBeam_distance
ADCP CORR correlation_magnitude_from_each_acoustic_beam AlongBeam_distance
ADCP CORR5 correlation_magnitude_from_acoustic_beam_5 AlongBeam_distance
ADCP R_DIST distance_from_sensor_along_beams m outwards from transducer
ADCP HEIGHT_AS height_above_sensor m up
ADCP THETA beam_angle_from_z_axis degrees away from vertical axis
ADCP BIN_SIZE instrument_measurement_volume_bin_size m
ADCP RVEL radial_velocity_of_scatterers_toward_instrument_in_each_beam m/s towards instrument
ADCP RVEL5 radial_velocity_of_scatterers_toward_instrument_in_beam_5 m/s towards instrument
ADCP RVEL_TURBULENT turbulent_radial_velocity_of_scatterers_towards_instrument m/s towards instrument
ADCP R_DEL along-beam_separation_distance_over_which_DLL_is_evaluated m
ADCP R_MAX maximum_separation_distance_over_for_DLL_regression m
ADCP DLL second_order_structure_function m2/s2 AlongBeam_distance
ADCP DLL_N number_of_velocity_difference_samples_in_DLL_mean count
ADCP DLL_LOGVAR variance_of_log10_of_velocity_differences_used_in_DLL
ADCP C2 constant_used_in_conversion_of_DLL_regression_coefficient_to_EPSILON
ADCP REGRESSION_COUNT number_of_DLL_values_used_in_regression count
ADCP REGRESSION_RSQUARED regression_goodness_of_fit_adjusted_for_number_of_terms count
ADCP EPSI_CI_LOW EPSI_95percent_confidence_interval_lower_limit W kg-1
ADCP EPSI_CI_HIGH 95percent_confidence_limit_high_estimate_for_EPSI W kg-1
ADCP QAx_BDF QA_criterion_x_bad_data_flag logical
ADCP REGRESSION_COEFF_A0 DLL_regression_intercept m2 s-2
ADCP REGRESSION_COEFF_A1 DLL_regression_coefficient_for_r^2/3 m4/3 s-2
ADCP REGRESSION_COEFF_A3 DLL_regression_coefficient_for_(r^2/3)^3 s-2
All L_K kolmogorov_length_scale m
All L_S turbulent_corssin_shear_length_scale m
All L_O turbulent_ozmidov_stratification_length_scale m