Netcdf meta data (shear probes)

From Atomix
Revision as of 12:06, 2 November 2023 by PeterHoltermann (talk | contribs) (Added information about creation time etc., copied content from meeting minutes.)

Below we list the metadata required in a NetCDF data file, as well as the optional meta data we highly recommend that are included with the data set.

The parameter names should be used as listed (attention to underscores). The descriptions are example text or several options that are available for that parameter.

Required Metadata

Parameter Name Description
title e.g., Vertical micostructure profiler data from cruise XXX
summary required by ACDD
comment required by CF
platform_type research vessel, sub-surface glider etc
creation_time netCDF file creation time (required by CF-Standard). Format: yyyy-mm-ddTHH:MM:SSZ
date_created same as "creation time". Format: yyyy-mm-ddTHH:MM:SSZ
date_update Time of the latest revision: Format: yyyy-mm-ddTHH:MM:SSZ
time_reference_year year for time reference
fs_fast sampling frequency for fast channels
fs_slow [math]\displaystyle{ ^a }[/math] sampling frequency for slow channels
profiling_direction horizontal, vertical, glide
fft_length as data points (note, fft_lengths_sec in seconds is optional)
diss_length as data points
overlap (for diss_length) as data points
num_fft_segments number of FFT segments
goodman 0=not applied; 1=applied
HP_cut the high-pass filter cutoff frequency in Hz. Can be zero for no filtering.
conventions CF-1.6, ACDD-1.3, ATOMIX
history Version 1
data_mode D #(D)elayed

[math]\displaystyle{ ^a }[/math] or fast_ctd or similar if such records are included

Optional Metadata

Parameter Name Description
fft_length_sec seconds
diss_length_sec seconds
overlap_sec (for diss_length_sec) seconds
f_AA Hz, the anti-aliasing frequency.
FOM_limit non-dimensional, if absent the FOM QC-flag is not set. Typically, 1.15.
diss_ratio_limit non-dimensional, if absent the dissipation ration QC-flag is not set. Typically, 2.77.
despike_shear_fraction_limit non-dimensional, if absent the de-spike fraction QC-flag is not set. Typically, 0.05.
despike_shear_iterations_limit non-dimensional, if absent the de-spike iteration passes QC-flag is not set. Typically 8.
variance_resolved_limit threshold for the minimum percent of variance resolved in a shear spectrum. Typically 50%.
spectral_model e.g., Nasmyth, Lueck or Panchev-Kesich
spectrum_std statistical uncertainty (standard deviation) of the natural logarithm of spectrum of shear
num_vibration_goodman number of vibration or acceleration time series used to clean the shear spectrum
f_limit upper limit to exclude frequencies that have contaminations. Typically infinity.
fit_2_isr dissipation threshold to use the method of fitting to the inertial subrange. Typically 10-5 W/kg.
eps_remove_top_meters if applicable, upper meters removed from dissipation estimates (e.g., because of ship)
area e.g., Arctic Ocean, Barents Sea
geospatial_lat_min latitude minimum of data
geospatial_lat_max latitude maximum of data
geospatial_lon_min longitude minimum of data
geospatial_lon_max longitude maximum of data
geospatial_vertical_min 0
geospatial_vertical_max in m
geospatial_vertical_positive down, up
time_coverage_start yyyy-mm-ddTHH:MM:SSZ
time_coverage_end yyyy-mm-ddTHH:MM:SSZ
institution e.g. University of Bergen
principal_investigator Name of Principal Investigator
authors Names of authors
contact email address of corresponding author (usually principal investigator)
project_name name of project for which the data was collected
cruise name of cruise from which the data was collected
vessel name of vessel from which the data was collected
source From the SeaVoX Platform Categories vocabulary (L06) list, e.g. “subsurface mooring”, ”ship”, ""sub-surface gliders"", ""autonomous underwater vehicle"" (CF)
references key references
keywords relevant keywords describing data e.g. shear probes
creator_name name of person who generated the file
creator_email email address of person who generated the file
creator_url website address of the creator
acknowledgement acknowledgements for this data. e.g. this could include crew of ship or funders
station_name name of station

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