Vibration-coherent noise removal

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All platforms vibrate. The shear probe, like nearly all other velocity sensors, measures the velocity of the fluid relative to the platform that holds the probe. Thus, platform vibrations induce a signal that is due to platform motions and does not represent environmental shear. The algorithm described by Goodman et al (2006)[1] is often used to remove vibration-induced components from shear-probe spectra. However, this removal biases the spectrum low, in a wavenumber-independent manner, and must be corrected [2].


  1. Goodman, L., Levine, E. R., & Lueck, R. G. (2006). On measuring the terms of the turbulent kinetic energy budget from an AUV. Journal of Atmospheric and Oceanic Technology, 23(7), 977-990.
  2. Lueck, R. G., 2021c: The bias in coherent-noise removal. Journal of Atmospheric and Oceanic Technology –, submitted, doi:--.

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