How to use and contribute
From Atomix
Creating and editing wiki pages
- You can create new pages and edit existing ones provided you have a user account. At the moment, only ATOMIX working group members have access as we begin organizing the information.
- Category:Concept and Category:Fundamentals pages can created using the same template/forms.
- Please follow the same guidelines as Wikipedia when providing titles for any wiki pages.
- Don’t start titles with articles and prepositions
- No acronyms unless they are very well known
- And many more
Peer-review and commenting
- Please take a look at discussion page for help on threaded comments.
- Eventually, we'll be accepting comments from the community when the processing steps will be delineated on the wiki. We're in the process of establishing the how and where, but "when" is in 2022.
Tips and tricks
We collated tips for editing the wiki collected from other sources and individual's experiences using the wiki.
Citing and references
- To streamline formatting of published papers, please follow the instructions from the Cite journal template within the <ref></ref> tags.
- By default, the formatted references will appear at the bottom of the page. It's good practice to place a section ==Notes== at the bottom of the page.
- The <references/> tag inserts the text of all the citations which have defined using <ref></ref>tags up to that point in the page.
Creating tables
Tables can be converted from a spreadsheet (or latex code) into a MediaWiki by copy and pasting it into this handy online tool using their file menu. You can also paste Mediawiki, markdown or HTML code into the tool. You can then manipulate the table's or cell's format and generate code in different languages (csv, standard excel tables, MediaWiki and TeX tables, and more).
Examples of collapsible items
Below are examples of formatting used in this page for future reference.
Test 1: Collapsible table with caption
Hello | World |
Content | Goes |
In | Here |
Test 2: Collapsible lists
Level 1 data ....
- Lorem
- Ipsum
- Dolor