Shear probes

From Atomix
Revision as of 17:07, 22 April 2021 by Ilker (talk | contribs)


Flow chart for dissipation estimates using shear probes

The processing of shear-probe data can be divided into the following five major steps and these steps apply to data collected with any platform or vehicle. There are many sub-steps to these major steps. The major steps are;

  1. Conversion to physical units.
* 	Determine the speed of profiling of the shear-probe through the water. 
*  	Determine the temperature of the water. 
*  	Convert the shear-probe data samples into physical units 
*  	Convert all other signals per the recommendations of the manufacturer of the sensor or instruments that produce these signals. 
  1. Profile selection.

  1. Choosing the processing parameters.
  2. Dissipation rate estimation.
  3. Applying quality-control metrics.