Filename convention for testing

From Atomix
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File name (original)​

where (letters are NOT limited to 3; use as many as needed):​

  • A for the platform (e.g. AUV, GLIDER, ICE, FLOAT etc. No need to use SHIP or ICE if not preferred)​
  • X for the instrument (e.g. VMP, MSS, EPSILOMETER)​
  • Y for the specific cruise, expedition or similar (e.g. N-ICE2015, MOSAiC, KH2020117 etc.)​
  • Z for the region/sea (e.g., BarentsSea, ArcticOcean, Ogasawara etc.)​
  • P for the cast/profile number (if needed).​

For example:

  • ​

​Also include a readme.txt or similar with some more specifics if required. ​

File name (re-processed)​

​Use the original file name and append:​


  • II is your initials (use as many letters as needed)​
  • YYYYMMDD is the year, month and date using the ISO standard date.