Tentative benchmarks for shear probes

From Atomix
Revision as of 14:13, 11 February 2022 by CynthiaBluteau (talk | contribs)

Please follow the Filename convention for testing if changing the filename prefix supplied in this table. These names will be used to identify the datasets amongst testers but will have the initials (II) and iso date attached (FilenamePrefix_II_YYYYMMDD.nc). You can use as many letters as desired for the initials.

Filename Prefix Platform Instrument Region PI (ATOMIX) Comment Volunteer testers
VMP_HaroStait Ship VMP-500 Haro Strait Lueck Intense turbulence. Two sections: one good one with glithces
VMP_AglhasCurrent Ship VMP-500 Agulhas Current Lueck Large up/down drafts affecting fall rate; require fitting to intertial subrange
EPSILOMETER_RockallTrough Ship Epsilometer Rockall Trough Le Boyer Strong turbulence in a canyon
AUV_MicroRider_BarentsSea AUV MicroRider Barents Sea (Arctic) Fer Propelled vehicle
Glider_MicroRider_BarentsSea Glider MicroRider Barents Sea (Arctic) Fer
VMP6000_OgasawaraRidge Ship VMP-6000 Ogasawara Ridge (western Pacific) Hibiya Untethered; >3000 m profile
Glider_MicroRider_Shelf_Peru Glider MicroRider
Continental slope off Peru, eastern tropical Pacific Dengler Electromagnetic current meter; strong tidal currents
MSS_BalticSea Ship MSS Baltic Sea Holtermann One good profile, one corrupted by jellyfish
MSS_ArcticOcean Ice MSS Arctic Ocean Meyer
VMP6000_NorwegianSea Ship VMP-6000 Norwegian Sea Fer In a strong & deep anticyclone, full depth (>3000 m)
Ice_VMP250upriser_ArcticOcean Ice VMP-250 upriser Arctic Ocean Fer One good and bad profile to highlight challenges with an upriser
Moored_MicroRider_TidalChannel Mooring MicroRider Lueck Time series from a fixed point; strong tidal flow

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