Acoustic-Doppler Current Profilers
From Atomix
Short definition of Acoustic-Doppler Current Profilers (ADCP) |
Multi-beam sonar instruments that rely on the Doppler-shift of backscattered echos to infer the speed of currents. Examples include the RDI Workhorses, Nortek AquaDopp and Signatures, or others. |
This is the common definition for Acoustic-Doppler Current Profilers, but other definitions maybe discussed within the wiki.
Sonar echo returns are time-gated to produce a profile of currents over some depth range extending away from the instrument. The range and resolution of ADCP data are constrained by the instrument sonar frequency and the set-up configuration. These can be mounted on seabed landers, tethered to moorings, added to CTD rosettes and or installed within ship hulls.