Time and length scales of turbulence
The length and time scales of turbulence must be considered when analysing turbulence measurements. The scales at which the turbulence subranges, both the viscous and inertial subrange, exist depend on the flow properties. These characteristics of the flow influence various decisions when processing velocity measurements for turbulence computations such as:

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High wavenumber limit
For instance, the wavenumber (length scale) limits depend on the sought quantity [math]\displaystyle{ \varepsilon }[/math], and also the kinematic viscosity [math]\displaystyle{ \nu }[/math]:
[math]\displaystyle{ L_K=\left(\frac{\nu^3}{\varepsilon}\right)^{1/4} }[/math]
Low wavenumber limit
Of the order of the largest overturn sizes...
- Stratified waters Lo
- Near a boundary [math]\displaystyle{ L_Z=0.39z_w }[/math] via von karman's constant of 0.39 and zw the distance to said boundary.
- Sheared flows can also swap Lo with Ls (Corrsin). Ls = Lz in a pure log-law of the wall flow!
Can use the equation [math]\displaystyle{ \tau=(L^2/\varepsilon)^{1/3} }[/math] and dump your favourite turbulent length scale. In stratified waters, this amounts to 1/N.