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The second processing level is separated into two NetCDF groups:
* [[Level 2 quality-controlled velocities (velocity point-measurements)| Level2 qaqc velocities]]:  velocities from level 1 have now been quality-controlled and despiked.
|toreview=Ready for review
* [[Level 2 segmented (velocity point-measurements)| Level2 segmented]]: velocities have now been segmented and detrended
|instrument_type=Velocity point-measurements
The required dimensions and variables for the '''Level 2 segmented''' processing level within NetCDF ATOMIX format for velocity measurements are described below.

Only a few attributes for each variable are listed since the page's purpose is to describe the information layout within each NetCDF file. Please refer to the {{FontColor|bg=#fca1fd|text= [[NetCDF_parameter|complete list]]}} for the additional attributes related to each variable (e.g., units, bounds, cell_methods).
Go back to the previous level: [[Level 1 data (velocity point-measurements)|Level 1 raw]]

Go to the next level: [[Level 2 qaqc velocities (velocity point-measurements)|Level 2 quality-controlled velocities]]
<div class="mw-collapsible" id="raw" data-collapsetext="Collapse" data-expandtext="Expand dimensions">
The number of velocity instruments (N_VEL_INSTRUMENT) is here for completeness, but the benchmarks examples will have measurements only from one instrument stored.
{| class="wikitable sortable"
! Short name
! Standard name
! Dimensions
! Comments
| time
| Units in Days since 1950-01-01T00:00:00Z.  Provide bounds attribute to designate the variable containing the limits of each segment ([http://cfconventions.org/cf-conventions/v1.6.0/cf-conventions.html#methods-applied-to-a-timeseries-ex see CF-compliant example]).
| unique_identifier_for_each_
| Max value is the segment length (seconds) multiplied by the sampling rate
| unique_identifier_for_each_
| Maximum of 3 for u,v, w (east, north, up) velocities
| colspan="4" style="text-align:center; font-weight:bold; background-color:#f9eddd"|  Optional variables <math>\ddagger</math>
| unique_identifier_for_each_
| Required only if storing multiple synchronized instruments in the same file
<div class="mw-collapsible" id="raw" data-collapsetext="Collapse" data-expandtext="Expand variables">
{| class="wikitable"
! Short name
! Standard name
! Dimensions
! Comment
| water_velocity_in_the_
| This may be [[Rotation of the velocity measurements|rotated]] in the direction of the mean flow, or left in XYZ_VEL if relying only on the vertical component when estimating <math>\varepsilon</math>. {{FontColor|fg=red|text=Please specify the analysis frame of reference}} in the variable attribute and/or group's attribute.
| water_velocity_in_the_
| Enumerated flag that denotes if and how missing samples were replaced
| water_velocity_
| These velocities in the analysis frame of reference have been detrended. The signal may include surface wave, motion contamination, in addition to the turbulence signal. {{FontColor|fg=red|text=Please specify how}}.
| [[Level_1_data_(velocity_point-measurements)#Required_height_variable|HEIGHT or DEPTH]]<math>\dagger</math>
| See [[Level_1_data_(velocity_point-measurements)#Required_height_variable|Level 1 table]]
| colspan="4" style="text-align:center; font-weight:bold; background-color:#f9eddd"|  Optional variables <math>\ddagger</math>
| angle_of_rotation_from_east_to_x
| Rotation axis [i,j,k] in the geographical coordinates system used to [[Rotation of the velocity measurements|rotate from the geographical to the analysis frame of reference]].
| axis_of_rotation_from_east_to_x
| Angle of rotation from geographical coordinates to the analysis frame of reference around the rotation axis.
| BURST_NUMBER <math>\dagger\dagger</math>
| unique_identifier_for_each_burst
| Only required when measuring in burst-mode. Integers of 1, 2, etc to designate which burst the velocities are associated with.
| colspan="4" |
<math>\ddagger</math> One could re-write for convenience the optional variables in [[Level_1_data_(velocity_point-measurements)#Optional_variables|Level 1]] after segmenting them into smaller chunks. For instance, PRES (pressure) would be fairly common in surface wave studies.
<math>\dagger</math> A variable situating the instruments in the water column is required. This may be a nominal depth (or height) or a time-varying depth or height above the bottom.
<math>\dagger\dagger</math> Variable required only when measuring in bursts e.g., 18 min of continuous measurements every hour.
=Group attributes (metadata)=
<div class="mw-collapsible"  id="raw_att" data-expandtext="Expand group attributes" data-collapsetext="Collapse attributes">
This section describes attributes that may provide additional information about how the data was processed and manipulated at this stage.
{| class="wikitable"
! Attribute name
! Purpose
! Suggested content
| processing_level
| Boilerplate about the content of the NetCDF group.
| <blockquote>''In this group, quality-controlled and despiked velocities have been split into smaller segments for processing, and are often [[Rotation of the velocity measurements|rotated into flow's frame of reference]]. Detrending may occur at this step if this wasn't completed at the previous processing level.''</blockquote>
| segment_length
| Provide length in seconds of each segment
| Usually about 300 to 600 s dependent on [[Time_and_length_scales_of_turbulence|time and length scales of turbulence]]
| segment_overlap_proportion
| Provide proportion overlap of each segment, i.e., window overlap
| Often set to 0 or 0.5
| colspan="4" style="text-align:center; font-weight:bold; background-color:#f9eddd"|  Optional group attributes <math>\ddagger</math>
| detrending_method
| Specify which filter or technique was used to detrend velocities, which is required for spectral and turbulence analysis.
| Some examples include <blockquote>''High-pass YY order butterworth filter with XX seconds cutoff frequency on the entire burst/timeseries''</blockquote> <blockquote>''Linear detrending on each segment''</blockquote>
| analysis_frame_of_reference
| Specify the coordinate systems (e.g., geographical, instrument, or flow frame reference) used for analysis since the inertial subrange constants depends on the longitudinal, transverse and vertical component.
| Some possible options <blockquote>''Geographical coordinates</blockquote>
<blockquote>Instrument coordinates</blockquote>
<blockquote>rotated in the direction of mean flow</blockquote>
<blockquote>rotated along the bathymetry/principal component''</blockquote>
| rotation_method
| The basis of [[Rotation of the velocity measurements|rotation]] (if performed) for the turbulence analysis. Were the velocities left in the measurement frame of reference? Was a new frame of reference defined that is more representative of the site conditions (e.g., cross-shelf or along-shelf). Were the velocities rotated over each segment (horizontal plane only i.e., vertical mean velocity was near zero)?
| State whether the mean vertical velocity was assumed to be zero (flat bottom), and if the rotation depended on the measured velocities or was prescribed. For example, <blockquote>''Velocities were rotated into the segment's mean velocity direction (including the contributions from vertical component)''</blockquote>
<blockquote>''Velocities were rotated in the horizontal plane according to the segment's mean horizontal velocity''</blockquote>
<blockquote>''Velocities were not rotated. Analysis relied on the vertical component in the intrument's measurement system.''</blockquote>
| comment (optional)
| Any additional information pertinent to other users who test their algorithms against the file.
Return to: [[Level 1 data (velocity point-measurements)|Level 1 raw]]
Go to: [[Level_3_data_(velocity_point-measurements)|Level 3 spectra]]
[[Category:Velocity point-measurements]]
[[Category:Velocity point-measurements]]

Latest revision as of 16:00, 8 March 2022

Page status: Ready for review
Author(s): Cynthia

The required dimensions and variables for the Level 2 segmented processing level within NetCDF ATOMIX format for velocity measurements are described below.

Only a few attributes for each variable are listed since the page's purpose is to describe the information layout within each NetCDF file. Please refer to the complete list for the additional attributes related to each variable (e.g., units, bounds, cell_methods).


The number of velocity instruments (N_VEL_INSTRUMENT) is here for completeness, but the benchmarks examples will have measurements only from one instrument stored.

Short name Standard name Dimensions Comments
TIME time TIME Units in Days since 1950-01-01T00:00:00Z. Provide bounds attribute to designate the variable containing the limits of each segment (see CF-compliant example).
N_SAMPLE unique_identifier_for_each_


N_SAMPLE Max value is the segment length (seconds) multiplied by the sampling rate
N_VEL_COMPONENT unique_identifier_for_each_


N_VEL_COMPONENT Maximum of 3 for u,v, w (east, north, up) velocities
Optional variables [math]\displaystyle{ \ddagger }[/math]
N_VEL_INSTRUMENT unique_identifier_for_each_


N_VEL_INSTRUMENT Required only if storing multiple synchronized instruments in the same file


Short name Standard name Dimensions Comment
UVW_VEL water_velocity_in_the_


TIME, N_SAMPLE, N_VEL_COMPONENT, N_VEL_INSTRUMENT This may be rotated in the direction of the mean flow, or left in XYZ_VEL if relying only on the vertical component when estimating [math]\displaystyle{ \varepsilon }[/math]. Please specify the analysis frame of reference in the variable attribute and/or group's attribute.
UVW_VEL_FLAGS water_velocity_in_the_


TIME, N_SAMPLE, N_VEL_COMPONENT, N_VEL_INSTRUMENT Enumerated flag that denotes if and how missing samples were replaced
UVW_VEL_DETRENDED water_velocity_


TIME, N_SAMPLE, N_VEL_COMPONENT, N_VEL_INSTRUMENT These velocities in the analysis frame of reference have been detrended. The signal may include surface wave, motion contamination, in addition to the turbulence signal. Please specify how.
HEIGHT or DEPTH[math]\displaystyle{ \dagger }[/math] See Level 1 table TIME, N_VEL_INSTRUMENT
Optional variables [math]\displaystyle{ \ddagger }[/math]
ROT_AXIS angle_of_rotation_from_east_to_x TIME, N_VEL_COMPONENT, N_VEL_INSTRUMENT Rotation axis [i,j,k] in the geographical coordinates system used to rotate from the geographical to the analysis frame of reference.
ROT_ANGLE axis_of_rotation_from_east_to_x TIME, N_VEL_INSTRUMENT Angle of rotation from geographical coordinates to the analysis frame of reference around the rotation axis.
BURST_NUMBER [math]\displaystyle{ \dagger\dagger }[/math] unique_identifier_for_each_burst TIME, N_VEL_INSTRUMENT Only required when measuring in burst-mode. Integers of 1, 2, etc to designate which burst the velocities are associated with.

[math]\displaystyle{ \ddagger }[/math] One could re-write for convenience the optional variables in Level 1 after segmenting them into smaller chunks. For instance, PRES (pressure) would be fairly common in surface wave studies.

[math]\displaystyle{ \dagger }[/math] A variable situating the instruments in the water column is required. This may be a nominal depth (or height) or a time-varying depth or height above the bottom.

[math]\displaystyle{ \dagger\dagger }[/math] Variable required only when measuring in bursts e.g., 18 min of continuous measurements every hour.

Group attributes (metadata)

This section describes attributes that may provide additional information about how the data was processed and manipulated at this stage.

Attribute name Purpose Suggested content
processing_level Boilerplate about the content of the NetCDF group.

In this group, quality-controlled and despiked velocities have been split into smaller segments for processing, and are often rotated into flow's frame of reference. Detrending may occur at this step if this wasn't completed at the previous processing level.

segment_length Provide length in seconds of each segment Usually about 300 to 600 s dependent on time and length scales of turbulence
segment_overlap_proportion Provide proportion overlap of each segment, i.e., window overlap Often set to 0 or 0.5
Optional group attributes [math]\displaystyle{ \ddagger }[/math]
detrending_method Specify which filter or technique was used to detrend velocities, which is required for spectral and turbulence analysis. Some examples include

High-pass YY order butterworth filter with XX seconds cutoff frequency on the entire burst/timeseries

Linear detrending on each segment

analysis_frame_of_reference Specify the coordinate systems (e.g., geographical, instrument, or flow frame reference) used for analysis since the inertial subrange constants depends on the longitudinal, transverse and vertical component. Some possible options

Geographical coordinates

Instrument coordinates

rotated in the direction of mean flow

rotated along the bathymetry/principal component

rotation_method The basis of rotation (if performed) for the turbulence analysis. Were the velocities left in the measurement frame of reference? Was a new frame of reference defined that is more representative of the site conditions (e.g., cross-shelf or along-shelf). Were the velocities rotated over each segment (horizontal plane only i.e., vertical mean velocity was near zero)? State whether the mean vertical velocity was assumed to be zero (flat bottom), and if the rotation depended on the measured velocities or was prescribed. For example,

Velocities were rotated into the segment's mean velocity direction (including the contributions from vertical component)

Velocities were rotated in the horizontal plane according to the segment's mean horizontal velocity

Velocities were not rotated. Analysis relied on the vertical component in the intrument's measurement system.

comment (optional) Any additional information pertinent to other users who test their algorithms against the file.

Return to: Level 1 raw

Go to: Level 3 spectra