Processing your ADCP data using structure function techniques

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Revision as of 13:34, 22 September 2021 by Yuengdjern (talk | contribs)

Structure Function Processing Steps

  1. Extract or compute the along-beam distance of the center of each bin [zb] and bin center separation [r0]
  2. Calculate the along-beam velocity fluctuations in each bin [v’(zb)]
    1. If using burst sampling, calculations are done over the length of the burst if stationary
    2. If using continuous sampling, a time interval must be selected in which the flow can assumed to be stationary
    3. You can calculate the fluctuations around:
      1. The mean of the time interval
      2. A linear detrend of the time interval
      3. A low pass filtered signal
  3. Select the maximum distance over which to compute the structure function based on conditions of the flow (e.g., expected max overturn) [rmax]
  4. Start at the first bin where zb >= rmax/2
  5. Compute the centered difference of v’ along the beam for the first pair of bins on either side: v’(z+r0)-v’(z-r0)
  6. Compute the second order structure function D(z,r) = mean-square of the velocity fluctuation difference: D(z,2*r0) = mean(v’(z+r0)-v’(z-r0))2
  7. Repeat steps 5-6 for all pairs of bins where the separation distance between bins r <= rmax
  8. With these data points, fit a line to the form D(z,r) = N + Ar2/3 to estimate values for A and N where A = Cv2ε2/3 and N is an estimate of the uncertainty due to noise.
  9. Solve for ε using Cv2 = 2.1
  10. Repeat the steps in (5) – (9) for each bin until zb + rmax/2 >= end of profile

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