ADCP structure function flow chart

From Atomix
Revision as of 09:40, 23 May 2022 by Yuengdjern (talk | contribs)

The processing of ADCP data to compute turbulent kinetic energy dissipation rates ([math]\displaystyle{ \varepsilon }[/math]) using the structure function technique can be divided into the following steps. The sub-steps include recommendations for deploying the ADCP, collecting, quality-controlling and processing the data to arrive at the [math]\displaystyle{ \varepsilon }[/math] estimates. No actual code is provided, rather these are the essential steps to be taken or implemented with your preferred software for pulse-pulse coherent ADCP data. Quality control measures are implemented at two stages: QA1 and QA2.

Placeholder for full ADCP structure function flow chart
  1. Deploy ADCP appropriately to collect reliable turbulence data
  2. Apply quality-control on velocity time series data (QA1)
  3. Compute structure functions and dissipation estimates
  4. Apply quality-control on dissipation rates (QA2)

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