All pages
From Atomix
- Acoustic-Doppler Current Profilers
- Acoustic-Doppler Velocimeters
- Adcp bin
- ADCP Environment
- ADCP Hardware
- ADCP structure function flow chart
- ADCP structure function ε estimates flow chart
- Agreement between dissipation estimates
- Along-beam bin center separation
- Along Beam Distance
- Along-beam velocity fluctuation
- Anisotropic turbulence
- ATOMIX Gallery
- Benchmark datasets for ADCP structure function
- Benchmark datasets for shear probes
- Benchmark datasets for velocity measurements
- Bin-centred difference scheme
- Burst sampling
- Canonical structure function method
- Choosing the processing parameters for shear probes
- Compute the spectra
- Concept
- Convert the shear probe data
- Create and edit wiki
- Data processing of raw measurements
- Data processing set up and QA1
- Dataset requirements for ADCP structure function
- Dataset requirements for shear probes
- Decomposing velocity measurements
- Deployment
- De-spike the shear-probe data
- De-spiking algorithm
- De-spiking parameters
- Detailed
- Determine the speed of profiling
- Determine the temperature of the water
- Detrending time series
- Diapycnal eddy diffusivity
- Direction of the vertical velocity
- Dissipation rate estimates
- Dissipation rate estimation from shear probes
- Diss-length
- Duration
- Editing tips
- Estimate epsilon
- Example bin-centred difference
- Example forward-difference
- Fft-length
- Figure of merit (FOM)
- Filename convention for testing
- Final data review (QA2)
- Flow chart for collecting and processing ADCP structure function ε estimates
- Flow chart for shear probes
- Flow chart for velocity point-measurements
- Forward-difference
- Fraction of shear-probe data altered by the de-spiking routine
- Frame of reference
- Frequency spectra and cross-spectra of shear and vibrations
- Glossary
- High-pass filter cut-off frequency
- How to use and contribute
- Identify the inertial subrange
- Instrument vibration
- Interference from the instrument frame
- Isotropic turbulence
- Iterations
- Iterative spectral integration algorithm
- Kolmogorov length scale
- Large-scale turbulence anisotropy
- Level 1 data (shear probes)
- Level 1 data (velocity point-measurements)
- Level 1 data (velocity profilers)
- Level 2 data (shear probes)
- Level 2 data (velocity point-measurements)
- Level 2 data (velocity profilers)
- Level 3 data (shear probes)
- Level 3 data (velocity point-measurements)
- Level 3 data (velocity profilers)
- Level 4 data (shear probes)
- Level 4 data (velocity point-measurements)
- Level 4 data (velocity profilers)
- Main Page
- Maximum pitch and roll
- Minimum depth
- Minimum duration
- Minimum speed
- Modified structure function method
- Nasmyth spectrum
- Nearest power-of-two number
- Netcdf dimensions (shear probes)
- Netcdf meta data (shear probes)
- NetCDF parameter
- NetCDF velocimeters format
- Nomenclature
- PacificMix
- Pope Model Shear Spectrum
- Preparing quality-controlled velocities
- Processing Levels for Shear Probes
- Processing parameters
- Processing your ADCP data using structure function techniques
- Processing your ADCP data using structure function techniques : Forward-difference
- QA/QC specific to spectral analysis
- Quality control coding
- Quality control measures
- Quality control of ε estimates (QA2)
- Quality-control parameters
- Raw data review (QA1)
- Regressing structure function against bin separation
- Replacement strategies for missing velocities
- Reynolds decomposition
- Rotation of the velocity measurements
- Section
- Segmenting datasets
- Set structure function processing parameters
- Shear inertial subrange fit
- Shear probes
- Shear probes quality control metrics
- Spectra in the inertial subrange
- Spectral computations
- Spectral estimates and identifying the inertial subrange
- Spectral fitting
- Spectral integration
- Spectra of velocity
- Spectra of velocity gradients
- Spectrum
- Stationarity
- Structure function empirical constant
- Taylor's Frozen Turbulence
- Tentative benchmarks for shear probes
- The bias induced by the Goodman algorithm
- The Goodman algorithm
- The high-pass filter
- The scope and approach of the ATOMIX wiki
- Time and length scales of turbulence
- Turbulence definition
- Turbulence spectrum
- Turbulent kinetic energy dissipation
- Units of a wavenumber spectrum
- Velocity decontamination by cospectral methods
- Velocity despiking
- Velocity inertial subrange model
- Velocity point-measurements
- Velocity Profiler data flags
- Velocity profilers
- Vibration-coherent noise removal
- Wavenumber
- Wavenumber response of the shear probe